STEAM Tourism Economic Impact Assessment for Staffordshire

In 2023 we commissioned a new model for gathering market intelligence, and we need your help to ensure it is as accurate as possible.

What is STEAM?

Infographic depicting how STEAM worksThe Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor (STEAM) model was developed by Global Tourism Solutions (GTS) and we are working with the West Midlands Growth Company who are licensed by GTS to capture this data for the county and the whole region.

STEAM is a tourism economic impact modelling process which approaches the measurement of tourism from the bottom up. 

The STEAM model allows us to track and monitor the number and types of visitors attracted to the county along with associated spend and consumer behaviours.

This model is recommended by national bodies such as VisitBritain / VisitEngland and mature Destination Management Partnerships who have benefitted from STEAM and have been able to use this intelligence to leverage additional funding for the sector and work strategically to implement projects of benefit.

Why should I take part?

Example pie chart graphicSTEAM is determined on data provided by our operators, and we need your help to ensure that this data is as accurate as possible.

Working with the West Midlands Growth Company (WMGC), we have developed simple methods for you to submit your visitor data, and everyone who participates in the study will be protected by a non-disclosure agreement, so you can rest assured that commercially-sensitive data is kept completely confidential.

A county wide and borough / district specific report will be available to all those who participate to help support your own growth plans.

How can I submit my attraction footfall data?

QR code to access Survey Monkey questionnaire and submit attraction footfall dataWe are asking visitor attractions to please provide your monthly visitor footfall (either your recorded actual figures or best estimates) for the calendar years 2022 and 2023.

If you don’t have monthly figures, please provide your annual attendance.

To make it as easy as possible for you to participate in the research, we have joined forces with WMGC and have four options for you to choose from.

Please feel free to pick any of the following options to submit your data:

Option 1: Download the simple spreadsheet Staffordshire Attractions Footfall Template  (Microsoft Excel file). Complete it and email it to WMGC

Option 2: Use the online questionnaire (powered by Survey Monkey)

Option 3: Scan the QR Code above to access the Survey Monkey link

Option 4: Send your data in whichever format it comes to Alicia Winfield O'Hare or Shannon Chu at WMGC.

We hope that you will take part and support us in our efforts to successfully regrow the visitor economy for Staffordshire.

All who participate in the study will be protected by a non-disclosure agreement, which guarantees all commercially-sensitive data remains completely confidential.

To find out more about the project, please contact the Enjoy Staffordshire Team by emailing, or Alicia Winfield O'Hare, Sustainability & Research Senior Executive or Shannon Chu Senior Research and Evaluation Manager at WMGC